Terminator Genisys

The year is 2029. John Connor, leader of the resistance continues the war against the machines. At the Los Angeles offensive, John's fears of the unknown future begin to emerge when TECOM spies reveal a new plot by SkyNet that will attack him from both fronts; past and future, and will ultimately change warfare forever.

Status: Released (2015-06-23)
Awards:10 nominations
Screen:Laeta Kalogridis, Patrick Lussier, James Cameron
Productions: Paramount Pictures, Skydance Media, Annapurna Pictures
Production Countries: Canada, United States of America
Spoken Languages: English
Terminator Genisys
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Some people have said that _Terminator: Genisys_ is disrespectful to its source material (first two films) but I disagree. Out of what is clearly a massive homage to _Judgement Day_, _Genisys_ gives away the entire plot and central “twist” in its promotional material months before it ....

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Terminator Salvation was pretty bad, but this brings it to a whole new level. What we have hear is a reboot of the canon that no one actually asked for, that no one actually wanted, and that makes really no sense. Honestly, it's even worse than T3, which at least felt like a conti ....

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