RExtremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile


IMDB (103,033 votes)

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Play Time: 111 mins
Drama, Crime
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

A chronicle of the crimes of Ted Bundy, from the perspective of his longtime girlfriend, Elizabeth Kloepfer, who refused to believe the truth about him for years.

Status: Released (2019-05-02)
Awards:5 wins & 5 nominations
Screen:Elizabeth Kendall, Michael Werwie
Productions: Ninjas Runnin' Wild Productions, Voltage Pictures, COTA Films
Production Countries: United States of America
Spoken Languages: English
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile
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Review text:

I think it's a hard line to walk, making a biopic about a genuine real-world serial killer and his wife, having said serial killer take up a pretty massive chunk of that biopic's screentime, and still not have it look as if you're trying to paint said serial killer as sympathetic - w ....

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Stephen Campbell

Review text:

**_An interesting approach to the story, but the tone is poorly managed. Worth seeing for Efron's performance, though_** >_I get very, very angry and indignant. I don't like being locked up for something I didn't do, and I don't like my liberty taken away, and I don't like being t ....

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Review text:

It's safe to say that Zac Effron wasn't cast to play Ted Bundy for the same reasons that landed Charlize Theron the role of Aileen Wournos. He can't act, but then he doesn't need to; he looks the part even if he can’t be the part — and he needn’t be it, either; unlike Monster, this m ....

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Review text:

I mean, I know Ted Bundy was the protagonist... but I got the strong feeling he was the good guy in this. Honestly, as in, that wasn't a sarcastic bit, they try and make him heroic. And yeah, the title suggests something: "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile" but it doesn' ....

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