The story follows Dawood, who wishes to don the cop uniform right from his childhood. He grows up to be a straight-laced, passionate policeman, who is sent off to a sleepy border suburb Kollanahalli for his first posting. An unexpected turn of events presents him an opportunity to prove himself.Original Title: | ഇടി |
Status: | Released (2016-08-12) |
Screen: | Arouz Irfan, Sajid Yahiya |
Productions: | Magic Lantern Productions, Eros International |
Production Countries: | India |
Spoken Languages: |
- 591070: Jayasurya - Sub Inspector Dawood Ibrahim
- 223162: Sshivada Nair - Nithya
- 1357376: Joju George - Vasu
- 591117: Saiju Kurup - Mr. X
- 591115: Madhupal - Ambanattil Kasim Haji
- 1445558: Sudhi Koppa - Kaimal
- 1162629: Sunil Sukhada - Head constable Kuttan Pilla
- 1590851: Sajid Yahiya - Director - Directing
- 1668319: Dr. Ajaz Ibrahim - Producer - Production
- 1590851: Sajid Yahiya - Writer - Writing
- 1668320: Arouz Irfan - Writer - Writing
- 933607: Rahul Raj - Music - Sound
- 1504455: Sujith Sarang - Director of Photography - Camera
- 1858210: Shameer Muhammed - Editor - Editing
external ids
fb: | twitter: | imdb: tt5606132 | insta:
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