The Predator

When a young boy accidentally triggers the universe's most lethal hunters' return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and a disgruntled scientist can prevent the end of the human race.

Status: Released (2018-09-05)
Awards:1 win & 8 nominations
Screen:Fred Dekker, Shane Black, Jim Thomas
Productions: Davis Entertainment, TSG Entertainment, 20th Century Fox, Canada Film Capital
Production Countries: Canada, United States of America
Spoken Languages: English
The Predator
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fb: PredatorMovies | twitter: Predator | imdb: tt3829266 | insta: Predator

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Review text:

A complete waste of opportunity. The film smacks of studio interference and bad decisions. It starts off decent enough but at the halfway point it turns into a shambles and it does feel as if a lot of it ended up on the cutting room floor. The music was very intrusive and some sce ....

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Review text:

My mind was racing as I watched _The Predator_ in the cinema tonight. I'd heard virtually nothing good about it so my anxious brain kicked into overdrive the whole time the film was going on. As a result of that, I almost feel like I experienced three movies in that theatre. First, o ....

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Sundance Kid

Review text:

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was inclined to step out of the theater to check if I was sitting in the right room. But there it was, definitely a Predator, but obviously totally misplaced in a ridiculous movie - ridiculous story, ridiculous characters, ridiculous acting, ri ....

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Review text:

Its just not good. The first predator created atmosphere; you were being hunted. The only "Predator" film to deliver another dose of this was Predators. This film falls completely short of its predecessors (yes, all of them), but does leave you with a strong impression that this ....

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Review text:

OK, I have to disagree with the other reviewers, to date, of this movie. I totally enjoyed this movie and gave it an 8. Once you figured it out, I thought the story line made complete sense. I loved all the new characters, and thought the camaraderie of the main military character ....

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John Chard

Review text:

A crushing disappointment. The hopes were high for this latest Predator rebirth, not because Shane Black starred in the great first Predator film, so therefore he surely must care about the project? But because he's an excellent writer and director. Shane Black can count Lethal We ....

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Review text:

**"Long story short"** Unlike the clueless reviewer (on a different website) who I quoted in the headline, I will not proceed to write 5 paragraphs of meaningless drivel about a movie I hate. Usually all of the AvP movies, Alien, Predator and the cross overs are at least a soli ....

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Review text:

Full disclosure, I've only really seen the first two movies, and after that I ignored the franchise. When the 2010 film dropped, it didn't even hit my radar and none of the crossovers with aliens I even bothered with... ...but by 2010 I was 30 and, honestly, these are rated "R" mo ....

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Review text:

Boyd Holbrook - a sort of love child of Mel Gibson and Michael Biehn - is the army sniper hero ("McKenna") who finds himself on the wrong end of the law after he and his team encounter the eponymous killing machine in the forest. Lucky to escape with his life, and a few souvenirs fro ....

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