Taken from The Arabian Nights, the film tells the story of a wicked sorcerer who tricks Prince Achmed into mounting a magical flying horse and sends the rider off on a flight to his death. But the prince foils the magician’s plan, and soars headlong into a series of wondrous adventures.Original Title: | Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed |
Status: | Released (1926-09-03) |
Screen: | Lotte Reiniger |
Productions: | Comenius-Film GmbH |
Production Countries: | Germany |
Spoken Languages: | No Language |
- 11529: Carl Koch - Assistant Director - Directing
- 549834: Lotte Reiniger - Director - Directing
- 1414718: Louis Hagen - Producer - Production
- 3213316: Walter Türk - Assistant Camera - Camera
- 549834: Lotte Reiniger - Screenplay - Writing
- 11529: Carl Koch - Animation - Visual Effects
- 549834: Lotte Reiniger - Animation - Visual Effects
external ids
fb: | twitter: | imdb: tt0015532 | insta:
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