Based on the real-life adventures chronicled by Cameron Crowe, Fast Times follows a group of high school students growing up in Southern California. Stacy Hamilton and Mark Ratner are looking for a love interest, and are helped along by their older classmates, Linda Barrett and Mike Damone, respectively. At the center of the film is Jeff Spicoli, a perpetually stoned surfer who faces-off with the resolute Mr. Hand—a man convinced that everyone is on dope.Status: | Released (1982-08-13) |
Awards: | 1 win & 1 nomination total |
BoxOffice: | $27,092,880 |
Screen: | Cameron Crowe |
Productions: | Refugee Films, Universal Pictures |
Production Countries: | United States of America |
Spoken Languages: | English |
- 2228: Sean Penn - Jeff Spicoli
- 10431: Jennifer Jason Leigh - Stacy Hamilton
- 777: Judge Reinhold - Brad Hamilton
- 61217: Robert Romanus - Mike Damone
- 118946: Brian Backer - Mark 'Rat' Ratner
- 16171: Phoebe Cates - Linda Barrett
- 4093: Ray Walston - Mr. Hand
- 58869: Irving Azoff - Producer - Production
- 69793: Eric Jenkins - Editor - Editing
- 57434: Amy Heckerling - Director - Directing
- 2507: Matthew F. Leonetti - Director of Photography - Camera
- 11649: Cameron Crowe - Screenplay - Writing
- 1254: Art Linson - Producer - Production
- 11649: Cameron Crowe - Novel - Writing
external ids
fb: | twitter: | imdb: tt0083929 | insta:
Review text:
Seen this one a few times over the years and still as fun as ever with a wonderful ensemble cast, a few of which have had a sustained career (others, like Phoebe Cates, Robert Romanus and Brian Backer, not so much). Has a good amount of heart mixed in with the comedy. Not sure where ....
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